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Click hereFor the first time, I realized Alex's childhood friends weren't children anymore. The little girls who'd first befriended my daughter were long gone. Without me noticing, they'd been replaced by women. Young women, yes, but women nonetheless.
As we walked, I had a hard time coming to terms with this realization. I kept staring at the girls, truly noticing them now... their perfect legs, their shapely curves, their feminine stride. They were objectively hot, there was no way around it. But at the same time, I felt a twinge of shame. I'd watched these girls grow up with Alex. I shouldn't find them attractive. But I couldn't deny that I did.
Rachel especially stood out. She wore a light blue bikini that contrasted well against her tanned skin, emphasizing her hips and ass without being overly risqué. Her dirty-blond hair framed her face perfectly; her innocent smile now seemed enticing. The upper swell of her breasts was also visible, and I was surprised to see how large they were. Her clothes had always hidden them well, but now I could see they were at least a DD-cup. On someone with a smaller frame like Rachel, they were impressive.
Despite Rachel catching my attention first, Cari and Jasmine were just as alluring in their own way. Both were on the taller side, with thinner, athletic bodies. I'd never thought of them as especially feminine, but I could see now that both girls curved in the right places, even if not quite as dramatically as Rachel. They reminded me of fashion models—but with more meat on them. I left a lingering eye on Jasmine in particular. She was mixed—black dad and white mom—and her caramel skin looked especially exotic next to Cari's whiteness.
Any one of them would have been a dream catch for me at their age. But I wasn't their age; I was over forty. And they were my daughter's closest friends. So, I tried my best to forget my new discovery.
Unfortunately, the girls didn't make it easy for me.
Once we arrived on the beach, we found an open set of chairs and settled down on them. At first, we all sat there, taking in the ocean view and watching the other resort guests around us. The beach wasn't crowded, but it was active, with workers moving around and guests playing games. The girls soon became restless and left to play in the surf, leaving me alone. Rachel's bikini seemed barely able to contain herself as she ran back and forth, her breasts bouncing dangerously. Despite my best intentions, I couldn't take my eyes off her.
Before long, though, it was picture time. The three girls pulled out their phones and began capturing shots of one another against the blue horizon. They went through various poses. Some silly, some happy, some overtly sexy. I knew the poses were for their own benefit, but it felt like they were putting on a show for me. I stared openly, thankful for the sunglasses that kept my salacious gaze hidden.
I knew I was acting like a creepy old man, but I couldn't help it. I felt forced to keep looking so my brain could reconcile that that Alex's friends and these sexy young women were the same people. I saw other nearby men shooting the girls glances as well; clearly it wasn't just me that noticed them.
But then the trio returned to their chairs, oblivious to the effect they'd had on me.
"Hey, Mr. K, can you get some pictures of the three of us together?" Rachel asked, handing me her phone.
"Yeah, sure. Squish together. I'll try and get the ocean in the background." I said, standing and preparing the shot.
"Make sure to make me look good. I want James to be jealous when he sees it."
"I don't think you'll have to worry about that. All three of you look fantastic," I said sincerely. As the words left my mouth, though, I realized I'd been a little too honest.
But Rachel didn't mind.
"Aw, thanks, Mr. K! That means a lot," she said delightedly, moving between Cari and Jasmine. The three hugged together and smiled widely. I took several pictures, glad for the chance to semi-openly admire their bodies.
After I'd captured them from a few angles, Rachel returned for her phone. "If you don't mind, Mr. K., can I get one with you too? Nothing will make James jealous faster than seeing me with a real man," she explained.
My breath caught in my lungs. Was Rachel flirting with me? I knew she was a tease, but flirting with her friend's dad was bold, even for her.
"I hardly think I'll make James jealous. He'll probably think I'm one of your uncles or something. I'm ancient, remember?"
"You're not ancient, Mr. K. And you look good for your age. James will think I found a sugar daddy."
I doubted that, but what did I know about how kids these days thought? It had been decades since I'd been a teenager after all.
"Well, as long as it's for a good cause, I suppose I can do that," I agreed, despite my misgivings.
Rachel clapped excitedly, handing her phone to Jasmine. As she squeezed in next to me, wrapping her arm around my torso, I tried to ignore the swell of her breasts pressing into my side.
Jasmine captured us together a few times, and then it was done.
"Sweet, thanks, Mr. K. You're the best," Rachel said, brushing my arm in a gesture of appreciation. I enjoyed her touch more than I should have.
"Happy to help," I acknowledged, before moving back to my chair.
The girls returned to their phones, beginning the tedious process of editing their photos to be social-media ready. I tried to enjoy the beach and not dwell on my newfound attraction.
The rest of the evening was uneventful. The three girls and I stayed on the beach until dinner. We met Alex and Macy back at the rooms before making our way to one of the on-site restaurants. The food was delicious and not having to worry about paying a bill at the end was surprisingly refreshing. Perks of an all-inclusive resort.
After dinner, we all decided to turn in for the night. We returned to our rooms with plans to spend the next day at the beach.
I'd become used to sleeping alone, but I still felt a twang of loneliness when I crawled into bed. The king-size seemed too large for one person. Even all these years later, I found myself missing Emily as I drifted off.
The next morning, the girls and I slept in before making our way down to breakfast. It was buffet-style, with the usual American staples plus various local foods. My favorite discovery was some fruits I'd never heard of that proved surprisingly delicious. The girls were fascinated by all the available options, and we shared a full meal. Their excitement for the upcoming day was already in full swing, and I found myself catching it as well.
After breakfast, we returned to our rooms to change and prepare for the beach. I decided to stick with a shirt and swimming trunks again, with sunglasses, sunscreen, and a book as extras. As I was dressing, I realized—with some shame—that I was looking forward to what sort of outfits the girls would be wearing today.
They didn't disappoint.
Rachel, Cari, and Jasmine all wore bikinis just as alluring as the previous day. Cari with a dark blue set that emphasized her gentle paleness; Jasmine with a green set that brought out her hazel eyes. And then there was Rachel's frilly white set that emphasized the shapeliness of her curves. I tried not to stare at the trio, but Rachel noticed my eyes on her before I could look away. When I happened to glance in her direction shortly after, Rachel gave me a smile... and a wink. I was so caught off guard, I didn't know how to react. I quickly started a conversation with Alex to cover myself. I couldn't believe I'd been busted staring... or that Rachel seemed flattered by it. Alex would have been mortified if she'd known.
I was more careful on the walk to the beach, keeping my eyes everywhere but on the girls. Once we'd arrived, we found some chairs and settled in. For the first several minutes, we all did our own thing, enjoying the gentle breeze and the sound of the waves. It was incredibly relaxing, and I made good progress in my book.
I was brought out of my own world when a resort worker approached us.
"Hello, friends!" he greeted us warmly in his Jamaican accent. "Beautiful day today!"
"Yes, sir!" I responded. "It's our first full day and we're having a great time!"
"Wonderful!" the worker smiled. "Forgive me sir, but it appears you are a bit outnumbered. Are these your lovely daughters?"
"One of them is," I said, pointing to Alex. "The rest of them are her friends. It's their senior trip. I'm just here to supervise."
"Good man," the worker grinned. "You all look like you could use a drink. What shall I get you? Mojito for Dad? Piña coladas for the ladies?"
I laughed, thinking he was joking. "I could use a mojito... but the girls aren't old enough to drink."
"Ah, forgive me, sir. They're not eighteen?"
"Oh no, we're all eighteen," Cari cut in, answering for me.
"Ya mon, then here in Jamaica they are old enough to drink. Assuming that Dad is okay with it, that is," the worker added deferentially.
"Please, Mr. K!" the girls chorused, along with a "please, dad!" from Alex.
I considered it. Even if they weren't legally allowed to drink in the States yet, I wasn't naive enough to think they had never touched alcohol. And we were on a trip of a lifetime....
"Okay, sure. The girls can have some piña coladas. Or whatever else they'd like."
The girls exclaimed happily, ordering their alcohol a little too comfortably for my liking. Once he'd taken our orders, the worker excused himself and left us alone.
For the next several minutes, we all enjoyed the beach in our own ways. I read, while the girls lounged in the sun, talking about whatever eighteen-year-old girls talk about. Still, as superficial as their conversation was, it reflected the deeper bond they all had. Seeing Alex laughing with her friends, surrounded by a beautiful beach without a care in the world, made me happier than I can describe. In that moment, I was fully at peace.
Before long, our worker friend returned, carrying a tray full of drinks. He passed them out to us one by one, welcoming us again to the resort and urging us to enjoy our stay to the fullest. I assured him we would.
The girls sipped their drinks excitedly, not even bothering to pretend like drinking was a new experience for them. My own mojito was perfect; it had the right balance of mint to sweetness, with just enough kick from the rum to spice it up. Between that, the sun, and my book, I was in heaven.
The rest of our beach day was equally relaxing. We took a brief break for lunch—with some more alcoholic drinks—but went right back to our same spot as soon as we'd finished eating. I was a little hot by this point, so as the girls went to play in the ocean, I finally took off my t-shirt. As I did so, I noticed that Rachel, Cari, and Jasmine began eyeing me from across the beach, giggling conspiratorially. I pretended I didn't notice, but my ego began to swell. My hard work to stay in shape had paid off, it seemed.
But then I remembered these giggling women were just teenagers. What did I care about their admiration, if that's even what it was? I was a middle-aged dad, for crying out loud. I forced myself to get a grip. I stretched out and picked up my book again.
A few minutes later, a breeze brushed against my bare chest, and I realized how exposed I was now. It felt good, but if the wind could reach my skin, so could the sun's rays. With a sigh, I put my book down and reached for my sunscreen bottle. I was so focused on slathering myself that I didn't notice Rachel approach.
"Hey, Mr. K. Do you think I could borrow some of that too?"
"Oh shit, Rachel. You scared me," I said, startled enough that I almost dropped the bottle. As I recovered enough to pass it over, I noticed that Rachel was openly staring at my upper body. I'd never gone shirtless around the girls before, so I'm sure it was a novelty to see me now.
"Thanks," Rachel said appreciatively, squiring some of the white cream onto her hands.
As she began to rub it across her skin, she asked me the last question I expected.
"So, Mr. K. Do you think this bikini makes me look hot?" To emphasize her question, she turned her body back and forth, allowing my eyes to trace her curves.
I was speechless. There was no denying it now: Rachel was openly flirting with me.
I couldn't believe it.
I was over twice Rachel's age, but here she was, showing herself off to me anyway. I wasn't naive; I knew young women sometimes crushed on their friends' dads, especially if they were relatively in-shape like me. But Rachel wasn't just nurturing a secret attraction, she was openly seeking my gaze, asking me to notice her as a woman. What had gotten into her?
I considered. Maybe it was the alcohol in Rachel's system. Maybe it was being away on an exotic beach. Maybe it was the need for validation after being cheated on. Maybe all the above.
Whatever her reasons, though, Rachel was crossing a dangerous line.
And as the adult in the situation, I needed to be the one to set her straight.
"Rachel," I said quietly, "I don't think you should be asking me questions like that."
"Oh, c'mon, Mr. K," Rachel pouted. "Don't be that way. I just need to know if this bikini will make James jealous."
I sighed. "Rachel, you need to stop trying to make James jealous. You dumped him for good reason. He's not worth your time to think about. Besides, the best revenge is to live your life like he doesn't matter."
"So, is that a yes or a no?"
I shook my head. "C'mon, Rachel. I'm not answering that question. Just drop it and enjoy your vacation. Besides, you don't need affirmations from me or anyone else. You're young. You're beautiful. You don't need me or any other man to confirm it."
Apparently, this was just what Rachel needed. She beamed at me openly. "Thanks Mr. K. That's the nicest thing a man's ever said to me."
"If that's the nicest thing a man's ever said to you, you need better boyfriends," I sighed. Man, teenagers were exhausting.
Rachel, oblivious to my undertone, looked at me as if she was seeing me in a new light. "I hope I can find a guy like you one day, Mr. K."
"I'm sure you'll find someone better," I replied breezily. Rachel's fawning was flattering, but the whole situation made me uncomfortable. Her youth and immaturity were painfully obvious.
Still, young or not, there was no denying Rachel's attractiveness. Being so close to her, I could appreciate how flawless her tanned skin was, not to mention her other impressive... assets. The way she ran her hands over herself, rubbing her sunscreen in, stirred something dormant inside me. If I were younger and if she wasn't Alex's friend...
I squashed this line of thought. I was here to be the girls' chaperone, not their admirer.
"You all right, Mr. K?" Rachel asked, concerned about my sudden withdrawal.
"Yeah, I'm fine," I said, shaking myself back to reality. "Just thinking about how you and Alex aren't little girls anymore. You all have gone through so much together. It makes me happy that you're all here now. I just want to say, Rachel... thanks for being such a good friend to Alex. You and the other girls are basically her family now."
Rachel smiled as she finished her sunscreen layer. "Aw, that's sweet, Mr. K. We're happy to be her family. We love Alex."
"And she loves you." I needed to stop this heartfelt shit. I was going to make myself misty-eyed in a minute. "But don't let me keep you. Go have fun."
Rachel gave me a look that might have either been sympathy or appreciation, and then she was off, back to playing with her friends.
I returned to my book, but I made regular glances towards the girls as the afternoon passed by. I told myself it was to keep an eye on them, but there was no denying I had another reason to look too.
The rest of the afternoon trickled by like the flow of a lazy river. I was the most relaxed I'd been in years, and I suddenly regretted not making a trip like this long ago. My very soul seemed to flower under the bright Jamaican sun.
But eventually it was time for dinner—endless seafood!—followed by a night stroll back to our rooms. We'd all had a fantastic day, and we still had several more to look forward to. I knew this would be a trip we'd never forget.
After dinner, we all broke to our separate suites again. I planned to spend my time alone watching TV and reading—maybe some time on the balcony to listen to the waves crash onto the beach. After a shower, of course.
What I did not plan on was hearing a knock on my door shortly before I prepped for bed. It was soft and hesitant, almost like the knocker was afraid to disturb me.
Curious now, I went to the door and cracked it. It was Rachel.
I opened the door in a hurry.
"Rachel. Is everything okay?"
Rachel didn't answer, pushing past me into the suite without waiting for an invitation. I could see she was distressed, but she didn't seem to be physically hurt in any way. She was wearing a bulky bathrobe, though, so it was admittedly hard to tell.
Just as my concern reached a crescendo, Rachel spoke. "Mr. K, I'm so sorry. I just need someone to talk to. I'm falling apart inside, and the girls don't understand."
"The girls don't understand what?" I asked, but I suspected the answer.
"What it's like to lose the person you thought you'd be with forever," Rachel said, her voice cracking as the sobs she'd been suppressing broke out at last.
I sighed inwardly. Fucking teenagers, man.
"You're still thinking about James, aren't you?" I said, doing my best to put on a sympathetic front. I was never good at this type of shit.
"Yeahhh," Rachel said, her lip trembling, tears now openly streaming down her face.
"I thought you realized that you are much too good of a catch to worry about a loser like him." I pointed out.
"I mean, I know I am," Rachel said, sniffling, "but still... James was everything to me. I can't believe he'd go off and sleep with some random slut like he did. Like I meant nothing to him!"
I sighed outwardly now. It was too late for this nonsense. Still... I couldn't exactly run Rachel off while she was in this state. So, reluctantly, I accepted that I'd have to play therapist for a bit. But I was going to need some alcohol first.
"Okay, Rachel. I hear you. Why don't you take a seat and I'll get us both something to drink."
"Thanks, Mr. K. You're the best," she sniffled.
I shook my head and went to the mini-fridge. I pulled out some champagne and orange juice and poured myself a mimosa. Then, I thought about it, and poured a second.
I joined Rachel on the couch and handed her a glass. She sipped it absentmindedly at first, but then the taste of alcohol hit her.
"Mr. K, is this...?"
"Yes," I said, cutting her off. "I thought you might need it tonight. Besides, you're not underage here, remember?"
Rachel stared at me like she was seeing me in a new light. "Wow, thanks, Mr. K."
"You're welcome," I said, sipping some of my own drink. The bubbly sweetness mixed with the slight kick of the alcohol was a welcome reprieve from the angst I had waded into.
"So, I have to ask. Why come to me about James? Shouldn't you be talking to your friends?"
"I have," Rachel said exasperatedly. "But they just tell me to get over it and forget him. And I tried. But when I was laying in the dark, trying to sleep, I realized I couldn't. We had our whole future planned out. I know you went through a lot with... you know... Mrs. K. I figured you might understand better than them."
"I don't think James cheating is anything like my wife's passing," I said quietly. Rachel may have been Alex's best friend, but I wasn't going to let anyone diminish Emily's tragedy.
"I know," Rachel said quickly. "But I thought you might have some tricks for forgetting and moving on."